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29 Dec 2023

Besa Global Gathering on Cross-Cutting Issues

From social norms to conflict sensitivity to systems analysis, we will be sharing resources and communications on all of these and other anti-corruption themes in the coming months.

Besa Global Gathering on Cross-Cutting Issues

27 Nov 2023

CJL Publishes Working Paper on Possible Adverse Effects of Anti-Corruption Programs in Conflict-Affected Contexts

CJL’s new working paper details how anti-corruption programs can unintentionally exacerbate conflict and seeks input to better understand this under-examined phenomenon

CJL Publishes Working Paper on Possible Adverse Effects of Anti-Corruption Programs in Conflict-Affected Contexts

25 Oct 2023

Presenting at the Conflict Sensitivity and Integration Working Group

Besa Global’s Diana Chigas and Lara Olson recently presented to the Alliance for Peacebuilding on the connection between anti-corruption and peacebuilding

Presenting at the Conflict Sensitivity and Integration Working Group

22 Sept 2023

Invited to present on System Thinking to USAID

CJL's Diana Chigas and Peter Woodrow were recently invited by USAID to present on systems thinking.

Invited to present on System Thinking to USAID

16 Aug 2023

New Literature Review on Social Norms and Corruption in Civil Servants: How to Address Social Norms in Endemically Corrupt States

New literature review seeking to address a gap in the field by answering two key questions:
What do we know about the social norms that drive corrupt behaviors among civil servants in contexts of endemic corruption?
In these contexts, what do we know about how to change the social norms that drive corruption among civil servants?

New Literature Review on Social Norms and Corruption in Civil Servants: How to Address Social Norms in Endemically Corrupt States

28 Jul 2023

CJL Welcomed Back for Another Securityscape Podcast on Corruption and Conflict

In a recent episode of the Securityscape podcast, CJL’s Co-Directors, Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church and Diana Chigas, discuss the links between corruption and conflict.

CJL Welcomed Back for Another Securityscape Podcast on Corruption and Conflict

5 Jul 2023

CJL Featured on the SecurityScape Podcast: The Intersection of Corruption and Security

CJL’s Co-Director, Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, and CJL's Security Sector Advisor, Blair Ashford, Discuss the Intersection of Corruption and Conflict with Jordan Arnold from the SecurityScape podcast.

CJL Featured on the SecurityScape Podcast: The Intersection of Corruption and Security

26 Jun 2023

New CJL Resource: Social Norms Roadmap

CJL has published an easy-to-navigate guide for our various resources on the relationship between social norms and corruption.

New CJL Resource: Social Norms Roadmap

30 May 2023

Another year involved in the teaching of IACA's anti-corruption course!

From corruption analysis to theories of change, CJL’s approach to anti-corruption practice via IACA’s course has something to offer every practitioner.

Another year involved in the teaching of IACA's anti-corruption course!

16 Apr 2023

CJL Facilitates a “Corruption in Fragile States” course for the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

CJL’s Co-Directors developed an online course for practitioners and policy makers to explore how anti-corruption programming needs to be adapted for fragile and conflict affected contexts.

CJL Facilitates a “Corruption in Fragile States” course for the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

28 Feb 2023

New CJL Video: Introduction to Corruption Analysis

In this short video, Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church and Peter Woodrow explain the what, why, and how of a corruption analysis

New CJL Video: Introduction to Corruption Analysis

30 Jan 2023

First Besa Global Gathering

First Besa Global Gathering
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